Family Services of Tulare County serves as a multi-service organization that helps children, adults, and families throughout Tulare County heal from violence and thrive in healthy relationships.  Family Services of Tulare County serves survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and child abuse.  They also offer prevention programs to help stop the cycle of abuse. The programs and services offered by Family Services of Tulare County focus on building safety in the home and in relationships, offering informed and compassionate care that help people heal from trauma. 

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RESET is a job readiness and work entry program for youth and adults with the goal of reducing recidivism through career services.


Big Brothers Big Sisters makes meaningful, professionally supported matches between adult volunteers (“Bigs”) and children (“Littles”), ages 6 through 18. 


Workforce Investment Board provides job placement assistance, training opportunities, and supportive services, through Employment Connection.