Central Valley Recovery Services, Inc. (CVRS) provides addiction and behavioral treatment using comprehensive evidence-based modalities of treatment. All programs are licensed and/or certified by the State of California Alcohol and Drug Department and are ADA compliant.  CVRS provides assessment, referral, and treatment services for substance use disorders and for clients with co-occurring mental health issues.

CVRS also provides outpatient services to adults and juveniles as well as support for families. Learn more by visiting www.cvrshome.com


RESET is a job readiness and work entry program for youth and adults with the goal of reducing recidivism through career services.


Big Brothers Big Sisters makes meaningful, professionally supported matches between adult volunteers (“Bigs”) and children (“Littles”), ages 6 through 18. 


Workforce Investment Board provides job placement assistance, training opportunities, and supportive services, through Employment Connection.